Create beautiful artwork for notes, thank you cards or for wrapping paper by printing flowers with celery stalks! Have fun experimenting with different colors and patterns or explore as a process art activity too.

Printing is something that really appeals to kids of all ages. There is something fascinating about dipping your object in the paint and waiting to see what happens.
My post awhile back listed all of things in your house to print with: cars, Legos, bricks, bubble wrap, vegetables. The possibilities are endless!
Enjoy this super-simple printing technique with all ages and abilities.
How to print flowers with celery stalks.
MATERIALS Paint Paper plate Celery Rubber band Paper Colored pencils, crayons or markers – optional
Cut the bulb off of the celery stalk. Tie an elastic band around the top of the bunch. This helps younger ones manage to keep the bundle all together.

Simply dip the celery into a shallow dish of paint (not too much or it clogs up the celery) and press firmly onto the paper. Try printing 2 colors! Print with white and then print red on top of it. You can also experiment with colored paper and white paper.

Add stems and leaves to prints with the green paint. You can also draw them with crayons, markers or colored pencils.

I'd love to see your creations. Add your picture in the comments!
Happy Creating!
